Reiki Healing

What is Reiki Healing?

Reiki (lay-ee-key) is Japanese for Universal Life Energy, a term used to describe a natural system to help bring about an improved sense of wellbeing and a positive feeling of spiritual renewal.

Reiki treats the whole person body, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects. Regular treatments can bring about a calmer and more peaceful state of being.

Reiki can be given lying down or in a chair you can choose what is right for you.


  • Promotes deep relaxation, can aid better sleep
  • Inner peace and harmony which balances the mind and emotions
  • Regular Reiki treatments can bring about a calmer and more peaceful state of being, in which a person is better able to cope with everyday stress
  • Relief during emotional distress and sorrow


Reiki Treatment

45 Mins


1 hour


**New to The Willows – Professional Reiki Practitioner Diploma Course Have you ever wanted to learn Reiki for you or as a professional ? From 2024 The Willows will be teaching Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 in North Wales for more details and more dates follow the link below:


The sessions have helped me calm my mind as it has been racing with a lot of thoughts cramming my head. I’ve been unable to sleep through the night.

When you have given me Reiki, my mind slows down and I have slept better. I have felt the energy shift through my body and seen different colours during the session. I thoroughly enjoy all the sessions.

Kaushika M

After 2 whole years I finally got to meet Sarah Maitland Price today at The Willows Holistic Therapies – Wellbeing Services
After being totally blown away following a reiki from a distance session during first lockdown I was intrigued to meet Sarah. 
I was blown away again today. I honestly thought I was relaxing by the sea with the sun shining on me 🏖 Thank you Sarah…Iv’e been chilling on the sofa all night…something I find very hard to do normally!! 😀💜


Wonderful reiki experience.

Susan R

Excellent treatment, felt great after. Already booked my next one.

Alisha M

Very professional looking forward to more visits.

David K

Reiki Master Teacher Certificate


Ground Floor, Room T010A,
The OpTIC Centre,
St. Asaph Business Park
Ffordd William Morgan
St. Asaph
LL17 0JD